The National Fostering Model Contract was co-produced by a working group of local authority commissioners and independent fostering providers. Facilitated by the Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers, the working group had a key aim: to develop terms and conditions that are fair and equitable, enabling positive provider and purchaser working relationships which are well placed to meet the needs of children in care. Roles and responsibilities have also been made clear, thereby creating efficiencies through avoiding unnecessary duplication and reducing confusion. 

It is envisaged that the National Fostering Model Contract will be used:

  • where there are no pre-agreed terms and conditions between a provider and a contracting authority and where a child needs to be placed within a relatively short space of time. In these situations there is rarely time for both parties to negotiate terms and conditions. The National Fostering Model Contract serves as a safety net to ensure that contracting authorities and independent fostering providers have confidence to access, including in an emergency, terms and conditions that are fair, lawful and which have been co-produced by both commissioners and providers with expertise in commissioning and providing foster care services.
  • when it is neither possible or appropriate to agree an Individual Placement Agreement for a child under any pre-existing framework contract or Dynamic Purchasing System. The circumstances around this will vary and the proposal to use the National Fostering Model Contract may be made by either a contracting authority or a provider.
  • as a reference document for both local authorities and providers when co-designing new contractual arrangements. The application of common terms and conditions will in itself reduce risk and deliver efficiencies across the sector.

The definitive version of the National Fostering Model Contract will be hosted on the NAFP website. Parties using the Contract may agree to a variation to the Contract, but any variation will ONLY be binding if a 'Schedule 5 - Variation agreement' has been completed and signed by both parties. If there is no variation agreement in place, then the terms and conditions set out in the definitive version will apply.

The National Foster Care Contracts Steering Group will meet at regular intervals to review the use of the National Fostering Model Contract and to consider any feedback received. As and when appropriate, documents will be updated to reflect any necessary changes.  Any changes made, along with the reasons for them will be published on this page.

Should you have any feedback or comments for the National Foster Care Contracts Steering Group to consider, please email these to [email protected]

Introductory sessions

NAFP is facilitating some introductory sessions for anyone with a role in ensuring and overseeing contractual arrangements. It should be particularly helpful for those working in / managing placement and referral teams. Each session will help attendees understand:

  • How the National Model Fostering Contract is structured.
  • Arrangements and instructions for use.
  • What changes were made to the previous version and why.
  • Their organisation’s own roles and responsibilities under this Agreement.

2025 Dates to choose from:

  • Wednesday, May 7, 2025⋅3:00 – 4:00pm
  • Wednesday 9 July 2025 3:00 - 4:00pm

These are repeated sessions and it is only necessary to attend once.

Each hour will consist of a 30 minute presentation and a 30 minute discussion.

Both local authorities and IFAs are being invited to attend.

Anyone wishing to book a place should email [email protected] stating which session you would like to attend. 

The National Fostering Model Contract Terms and Conditions
Schedule 1 - The National Fostering Model Contract Service Specification
Schedule 2 - The Core Cost Specification and Model Pricing Schedule
Schedule 3 - The Individual Placement Agreement (‘IPA’)
Schedule 4 – Parties and Signatories to the Agreement
Schedule 5 – Variation Agreement
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