Executive Committee

NAFP's Executive has responsibility for:

  • General oversight of NAFP's operations
  • Recommendation for approval by the Board of the organisation’s long term objectives and strategy
  • Recommendation for approval by the Board of the annual operating expenditure budgets, and any material changes to them

The Executive is made up of elected representatives from organisations at each tier of membership to ensure a broad range of views can be taken into account when issues are discussed. Executive members serve for a term of three years.

Tier 1: Jo August, Polaris Community

Tier 1: Steve Christie, National Fostering Group

Tier 1: Bernie Gibson, Compass Fostering

Tier 2: David Baker-Price, Five Rivers Fostering

Tier 2: Grace Wyatt, Nexus Fostering (Chair)

Tier 2: (vacant)

Tier 3: Peter Battle, Capstone Foster Care

Tier 3: Brenda Farrell, Barnardo's (Vice-Chair)

Tier 3: Nicola Westley, Sunbeam Fostering

Tier 4: Kathryn Hayes, Team Fostering

Tier 4: Tim McCardle, UK Fostering

Tier 4: Sarah McEnhill, Carevisions Fostering

Tier 5: Kevin Denton, NEWFOCAS

Tier 5: (vacant)

Tier 5: Curon Howells, Family Fostering Partners

Co-opted: Paul Goodwin, Action for Children

Co-opted: Sam Ram, The Foster Care Charity

Co-opted: Jonathan Toomey, Evolve Therapeutic Services

Non-Executive: Andrew Isaac, Children’s Services Development Group

NAFP constitution

If you would like any further information about the role of the Executive or the election process, please do get in touch with our CEO, Harvey Gallagher.

Registered as a company in England & Wales No. 06717310 Registered office: Corbridge Business Centre, Tinklers Yard, Corbridge, Northumberland NE45 5SB
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