Parent and child arrangements within fostering is a specialist area that requires understanding of the complexities of this work. Levels of risk and expectations can be high, and it is essential that there’s a supportive package around from all involved to encourage more foster carers to consider agreeing to undertake training, be assessed, approved and offer their home to often complex adults with their child(ren).
Some of the challenges within this work include the fine line between observation and intervening, important elements of recording, monitoring and having confidence to manage risk. All of which contribute to the assessment of parents in relation to ”good enough parenting."
This can be emotionally demanding and navigating the dynamics of relationships when parents are often vulnerable and require care and support themselves requires resilience and robust support to enable parents to understand the importance of prioritising their child over their own needs.
In this conference we will spend time together considering:
- What is parent and child fostering?
- The practicalities of setting up and running a parent and child service
- What are the expectations in relation to becoming a parent and child carer?
- The role of the fostering agency, and how skill and knowledge is required to support this specialist area of work
- Examples of challenges and case studies to enable us to share good practice
Our parent and child forum at NAFP has been hard at work sharing their knowledge and experience which has led us to start working through methodically how the templates we use need to be specific to parent and child work, this includes specific matching considerations, the importance of risk assessing and contracts of expectations for parents, foster carers, the agency and placing local authority.
This conference is an introduction to the practical side of parent and child work, future time together will continue to offer peer support to work through the challenges social workers are faced with, and develop helpful strategies to manage complex scenarios - if you are a member of NAFP why not become member of this forum.
(this event will be hosted on Zoom - accessibility; delegates will be emailed details of how to join a few days beforehand)