This is an online course delivered by Catherine Lockett Fostering Services. If you are a NAFP member, use your code for 10% off!
Foster carers are required to have an annual appraisal known as a “foster carer review” to ensure they remain suitable to foster children. It is only the first annual review that is required to be heard by the fostering panel, and most fostering agencies commission independent reviewing officers to chair the review meeting for subsequent reviews. There is no requirement for the review meeting to be heard by an IRO, but the level of independence they afford provides a fair and balanced oversight of the foster carers review period.
A robust review will evidence any excellent practice or vulnerabilities identified and how they have been overcome. It is important that the supervising social worker has consulted with foster carers, their family, significant others, considered the voice of the child(ren) and the team around the child. Social workers should confidently make recommendations with clear reasons through an analytical report with evidence.
The IRO can bring the whole thing together, allowing for reflection and honest discussion, highlighting what has worked well, what less so and being able to make recommendations in relation to the foster carers learning and development as well as recommendations for the fostering agency to ensure they continue to provide foster carers with the best possible support and development opportunities to meet children’s needs.
This course will be helpful for those considering undertaking this role, or for existing IRO’s who would like the opportunity to network, have an interactive couple of hours with other IRO’s which can be helpful as the role can often feel isolated due to not working for an organisation and being “independent”.
In this short course we will consider together:
The role of an IRO
The important quality assurance elements of a foster carer review, including;
Whether recommendations from a previous review have been met
Whether the carers are compliant and how the agency has considered this
Whether the review is a fair account of a 12 month period
Whether the terms of approval seem appropriate
The role of the IRO where there is consideration in relation to a foster carers suitability
Structuring the IRO report
Remember to use your promo code for 10% off if you are a NAFP member!