There are currently in the region of thirty-five different foster care frameworks or dynamic purchasing arrangements in place across England, Scotland and Wales. With around a third of these due to terminate at the end of 2021 or early in 2022, it is anticipated that there will be a number of procurement exercises taking place during summer/autumn 2021 so that new contractual arrangements can be put into place in good time.
The Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers has collated feedback from members regarding their experiences of procurement exercises in recent years. Our members recognise that developing and designing procurement processes and contract documents is a difficult and complex exercise for local authorities. The seminar will share what our members see as the barriers to developing effective arrangements. The session will also share views of how these barriers can be overcome and what has worked well.
This seminar has been specifically designed for local authority colleagues looking to establish new contractual arrangements during 2021. The content of the webinar will include:
Enabling effective consultation and coproduction
Qualifying criteria – important considerations
Developing terms and conditions that work for all parties